London - City Dashboard

The London Dashboard is a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access data relating to the capital. Whether you're a citizen, business owner, researcher or developer, the site provides over 700 datasets to help you understand the city and develop solutions to London's problems.

Gross Value Added (GVA)

London GVA per capita (GBP)

Estimates of GVA per head from 1997

Unemployment rate

London unemployment rate

From 2009 to current


Historical and projection

From 1961 to 2050


Recorded Crime

Total recorded offences

Life expectancy

Life Expectancy at birth

Female & Male

Air quality

Average PM2.5 Levels


House prices

Median Housing Affordability

Comparison between London and England

Transport (delays)

Lost Customer Hours

Total lost hours in the tube

Transport journeys

Number of Journeys (millions)

Underground, bus and other journeys